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05 & 06 November 2025 

Halls 8 & 10, IFEMA, Madrid

AIAS – Asociación de Industrias de Acabados de Superfícies


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AIAS is the Spanish Association of Surface Finishing Industries, with registered office in Sabadell(Barcelona). AIAS is an entity that brings together more than one hundred companies of surface treatmentsector from entire Spanish territory. AIAS mission is to work and strive for the development and improvement of the surface treatment industrial sector. AIAS functions are aimed mainly to inform, adviseand contribute to the formation of partners in everything that may be of interest to companies from thesector. AIAS website contains information Technology magazine published by AIAS, newsletters emailed and technical conferences organized several times ayear.Moreover, broadcast channels will be extended to the industrial sector in general through participationin fairs and exhibitions, for example Eurosurfas, Machine Tool Biennal, Subcontracting and MetalMadrid. In addition, AIAS is integrated in the European Committee for Surface Treatment (CETS) and it’s also member of Centre Metal·lúrgic in Sabadell.

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